The Voting Procedure in the United Nations Security Council
Second International Conference On A More Democratic United Nations
The United Nations and International Democracy
The United Nations Sanctions Policy and International Law
Appeal by Lawyers against Nuclear War
Call for total international ban of landmines
Appeal against comprehensive economic sanctions (UN Commission on Human Rights)
Call for the establishment of a United Nations Parliament (German)
The Use of Force in the New International Order
Report on and evaluation of the Lockerbie Trial in regard to the requirements of international criminal justice
Humanitarian Intervention in the Context of Modern Power Politics
The United Nations, the International Rule of Law and Terrorism
Memorandum on the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for International Crimes, including the Crime of Aggression, in the Territory of Iraq (March 2003)
The Dialectic of Power and Law — The United Nations in the “New World Order”
Quo Vadis, United Nations?
Reinventing Transnational Government: Address at the 6th Global Forum on Reinventing Government in Seoul (May 2005)
International Roundtable Meeting on Challenges to Collective Security (June 2005)


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